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Hey everyone, This is my first blog!! Idk how intros must be, but I will plan this till my next one. For today’s blog, I will write you a short story of my start, how I started and how it’s going. And I know you will relate to this one even a little bit “most of us are seeking succes, but don’t know that every little improvement is a success”.... thats all for a intro, please comment some blog ideas, I have already some ideas in Mind, but if you need any help or ways for certain topics please comment it <3

“Results happen over time, not overnigh. Work hard, stay consistent, and be patient”

She’s a dreamer, started her own journey with a heart full of love and excitement. Spended so much time watching and reading about those successful people, while saving all her money just to be able to buy the seeds to start growing that tree in her mind.

Finally she bought the seeds!! It’s time to grow them. She started it right away, watering that seeds. She never thought they are this Hard, Slow, and stressful. Maybe she’s doing it wrong, that’s when she started going through the internet trying to find out the right way on how it should be done. And started to know more and more, with experience, she know what to research and everything start to be understandable.

days and months are running like a couple of second, and the seeds start growing. She’s trying her best to protect that little plant so it never die, and keep checking it so nothing wrong happens to it. BUT...

That plant died

she cried and she get over it. Then started planting a new one right away, and the first steps where really easy and got the results much faster that the first one. Experience is key for knowledge.

this plant grown so much!!! She’s happy and really thankful. But its still tinny that the fruit can’t grow yet. She’s now working on growing it.

she have no idea If the tree stop growing or

it just grow really slow now that it shows no difference

she start getting tired from trying everyday, bored and not interested to water them anymore. Hope dies from trying with no results, her head is full of confusion, excitement everyday gets weaker and the steps get harder. She felt like she can never reach her goals, not believing in herself anymore, her heart has died, and not interested in anything anymore. But never wanted to lose, so she choosed patient.

Kept trying, and stayed trying. Her heart is splitted in halves. Half wants to give up, and half says “Get up and finish what you started, we still have a long way to go, no give ups are available”

kept working with patient, created and failed. She promised she will never give up, all this time will pass away anyway. And no one knows what’s hidden for us, and what’s the ending. Most people are losing but keep trying, this is life, full of challenges. And at the end “we win or regret”

it’s still a beginning. Give yourself a chance, at least 5 to 10 years of trying, it’s worth it at the end.

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3 Kommentare

20. Nov. 2021

Hello, my size in shein from jeans is large I need help with my size on here idk is it’s large or medium please help!!

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21. Nov. 2021
Antwort an

Hello @Britneymo2008, we recommend you to take your usual size, or send me your measurements on our Instagram page @softgirlwear and I will check what size could be the best 👍🏼💖

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09. Feb. 2021

Omg so motivating✨✨

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