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Payment Methods


2. Credit/Debit Cart

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we offer free worldwide shipping!

Return & Exchange Policy

If there is anything wrong with what you have ordered, feel free to send us an email asking us to return. You have only 5 days chance to return and exchange any goodie that you are not satisfied with! but, we also had rejected some returns, because of the situation we face. Still, send us an email and we will try our best to help.

Can I cancel my order?

If we haven't shipped your packaging yet, you can contact us via Instagram DMs and email so we cancel your order and give you your money back. And please Dm and email us AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Can I change my order?

If your order has not been packed for shipping yet, contact us right away and we will be able to make changes to your order.

How can I contact you?

BY INSTAGRAM DM: @Softgirlwear

or Email:


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